Tens of millions of Americans have nerve damage - a condition known as “neuropathy”. The most common symptoms of nerve damage are pain, burning, tingling, cramping and loss of feeling in the feet, legs, and fingers - with the pain ranging from mild to almost unbearable.
We have four locations in Southern California
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Left untreated, peripheral nerve damage can get so bad it can make people lose their independence and become completely dependent on others. Worse, nerve damage can cause inability to feel cuts and other injuries to the body and especially the feet! And without pain to tell the person something is wrong… they may not realize they’re dealing with a problem that can cause them harm --There are over 86,000 amputations per year. The good news is that a proven treatment, tested with success on thousands of neuropathy patients, may now be the key to reducing nerve pain symptoms!
There are 8 key early warning signs of potentially devastating nerve damage
Numbness in hands, arms, legs or feet.
Burning pain in hands, arms, legs or feet.
Muscle cramping in feet and legs.
Sharp, electric pain in hands, arms, legs or feet.
Pain, discomfort, instability, or loss of balance when walking.
Difficulty sleeping from leg/foot discomfort
Prickling/tingling feelings in the arms, legs, feet or hands
Poor balance, unsteady on their feet.
We have four locations in Southern California
Call us today to book your appointment